Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Marshmallow Test


Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

Original link here.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Butterfly's in Accent Color

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Untold Stories of the Tsunami

I think a big part of being human is sharing stories. Opening up to others, telling them something about yourself and your life.

Today I checked Hulu for the latest episode of Defying Gravity, and while there I found a link to this film. It's extremely heartbreaking, listening to the people in the video tell their stories, but to me, it was something I had to watch. They took their time to share their own piece of the tragedy, so that others can hopefully appreciate their circumstances a little more.

God bless all the people who died and went missing that day 5 years ago. What a tragedy. Sharing this because it tells their story, and it makes me feel a little more human.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brain Scanning

Interesting article here about pulling images from your brain.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Multicolr Search Lab

This tool is awesome!!

Click your color, or color combinations, and this tool will (instantaneously) search through literally millions of images and bring you a collage in that color. Not only that but each is linked back to the original photo on Flickr. How sweet is that!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kanye West interrupts Obama

Caught this today on Facebook, its pure win.

Sorry Mountain Dew, you've been out uh... Dewed!

Well I mean... in the coolness factor at the very least. Still going for green until their bloaty prices drop. Makes me laugh though!

Original Link: http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2009/09/dd-flavored-jones-soda/

Immortal... Jellyfish!?

Yep, who would have known... These little buggers use "transdifferentiation" to basically remake their cells, just as a salamander can regrow its tail. Only they can remake EVERY cell in their body. Over. And over. Thus, feasibly they can live forever.

What an interesting bugger. Though in the photo below it sort of looks like we're seeing a blurry photo inside its body, or is that just me? I mean, I half expect to see Cris Angel walk up to it and go "ARE YOU READY!!!!!"

Check out the original link:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Super Cell Lightning on Saturn

Looks like Saturn's lightning storms have broken a new 'longest lasting' record. A lightning storm nearly 2000 miles across has been raging there since January.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Macro Plant life






APOD: Summer Night in Astronomy Town

Saturday's APOD was gorgeous. Check it out: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap090912.html

Friday, September 11, 2009


I know that my words won't help put aside the grief that is felt by many on this day. It is beyond scope, unquantifiable and largely beyond my simple brain's capacity. Innocents died. Families were broken. Brave men and women did everything they could in an awful situation.

I know that we exist in a society that is largely corrupt, one which puts greater emphasis on money than on people. A nation of haves and have nots. It is my sincere hope that someday we can break free from this terrible downward spiral. God bless freedom and all that this flag was meant to stand for.

We'll never forget.


TED: Let my dataset change your mindset

A friend shared this AMAZING TED with me the other day. I'm glad I saw it- its simply amazing. The data he shows is put together in an intuitive (and interactive!) way. Simply brilliant.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hubble got an upgrade!?

So I guess I wasn't aware that the near-death telescope actually received an upgrade recently. I know several months ago they successfully sent astronauts up to work on it, but had no idea that they improved its performance beyond extending its life.

Check out today's APOD to help drive the point home, the Butterfly Nebula:

Absolutely gorgeous!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Love is Patient

Found this really quite interesting. Awesome style, the photographer is Kelly Castro, the person who created the collage is Santiago Ortiz.


Menominee Park Zoo

A couple pictures from a recent trip to the zoo. And speaking of photos, I recently found a dead pixel on my camera and my warranty is up- not good news I tell you!






My Bookshelf

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