Friday, January 15, 2010

Naomi Klein: Ten Things the US Can and Should Do for Haiti

The recent earthquake in Haiti is a horrific tragedy. My hope is that the people there receive what they need to survive... As always, an excellent article by Naomi:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday's Flyby

Looks like an asteroid came within one-third the distance from the Earth to the Moon on Wednesday. No worries though, it was only 30-50 feet across, and would have burned up before it struck. Apparently the next close call isn't forecast until 2024.

The line: "It is the closest encounter Earth will have with any known object until 2024." Seems a little gutsy to me... But then "known object" does give them a little leeway!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Dark Elf Army....

My Dark Elf army is the greatest power for evil! from Flyweight Films on Vimeo.

.....alright.... man you're going to kill me here... give me some water. ROFL

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starship Enterprise Destroyed by the Death Star


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Naomi Klein: For Obama, No Opportunity Too Big To Blow

Another excellent article:

Kepler Unearths Hot Mysteries

WASHINGTON – NASA's new planet-hunting telescope has found two mystery objects that are too hot to be planets and too small to be stars.

The Kepler Telescope, launched in March, discovered the two new heavenly bodies, each circling its own star. Telescope chief scientist Bill Borucki of NASA said the objects are thousands of degrees hotter than the stars they circle. That means they probably aren't planets. They are bigger and hotter than planets in our solar system, including dwarf planets.

"The universe keeps making strange things stranger than we can think of in our imagination," said Jon Morse, head of astrophysics for NASA.

The new discoveries don't quite fit into any definition of known astronomical objects, and so far don't have a classification of their own. Details about the mystery objects were presented Monday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Washington.

For now, NASA researcher Jason Rowe, who found the objects, said he calls them "hot companions."

How hot? Try 26,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot enough to melt lead or iron.

There are two leading theories for what the objects might be and those theories cover both ends of the cosmic life cycle:

_Rowe suggests they are newly born planets. New planets have extremely high temperatures, and in this case Rowe speculates they might be only about 200 million years old.

_Ronald Gilliland of the Space Telescope Science Institute says they could be white dwarf stars that are dying and stripping off their outer shells and shrinking.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sailing the Seas of Titan

I hope they get funding for this project, it'd be really interesting to see what they find.


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