Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ascension Media Kit released

We've just covered a major benchmark for Ascension with the release of our Media Kit. Members of our dedicated team have been busy with all manner of tasks related to the production of this game.

We're proud to call the Media Kit complete, in its capacity to showcase Digital Roar's vision for the future of this game. Complete with market data, a world overview, game play styles, and a whole section devoted to the artwork of Ascension, our Media Kit speaks volumes to the dedication and outstanding effort put into this project thus far.

Zach Inks, our Creative Director recently visited GDC in Austin, and was busy showing off the kit, and other promotional items related to the game. So far we've received a lot of positive feedback, and several parties are interested in seeing more. Our next goal is to produce a playable demo, which we hope to have available before the new year.

So feel free to take a look at our Media Kit.


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