Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Announcement: Baby News

Okay I thought I'd give a quick update on Braden and Ashley.

We're scheduled to be induced next Monday, January 12th. He'll only be 1 week early at that point and the doctor is confident his lungs will have developed fully by then. We were hoping that she could be induced this week because of all the complications she's had with this pregnancy, but its better that he's kept in a little longer. As the doc stated, we wouldn't be working against mother nature at this point, but we sure wouldn't be working with her either. So its better that way.

Ashley is in high spirits and is looking forward to next Monday to be sure.

It sure has been a long road to this point, and my only regret is that we haven't enjoyed the pregnancy more, I wish we could have. The main thing to look forward to of course, is that tiny little guy who will be taking his first breath very soon. Mommy is doing as well as possible and can't wait to hold our little boy.

So yeah, many people have been asking, and I thought I'd post a little update. I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!


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