Friday, July 11, 2008

Short Story: SoV, Introduction

Many of my friends know me as an avid role player. In my years I've grown to love tales of fantasy and magic, of sorcerers and villains. It is so ingrained in me, that many times I will write stories about the worlds I develop for role-playing.

The realm of Valoreth was one such world I developed, and subsequently wrote a story about. The setting is a tall mountain valley in the midst of a harsh winter. The peoples of the realm live mostly in the city of Valoreth, but some few venture out to make a life for themselves in the harsh wilderness.

The lord of the land is one Lord Sirion, a once great and loving figure, now turned to madness and a bitter evil. I hope you enjoy the writings as much as I've enjoyed dreaming up the world.

...Yeah I know. I'm a dork.

The Snows of Valoreth

Chapter 1: The Storm
Chapter 2: Secret Meetings


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