Friday, August 29, 2008

Phelps returns to his tank...

Lol, found this today while looking over the news...

Was too funny to pass up...
"Phelps, the 6'4", 200-pound aquatic mammal, and the first ever SeaWorld swimmer to be raised in captivity by foster swimmers (Mark Spitz and Dara Torres), was recaptured by trainer Bob Bowman in a hoop net baited with an entire Dutch apple pie following Phelps' final Olympic event last Sunday. Phelps was then tethered to the rudder of a container ship bound for St. Petersburg, guided down local waterways, and introduced back into his home habitat, the tank in SeaWorld's 5,500 seat stadium, known to park officials and visitors alike as "Phelps' Happy Harbor."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Announcement: Its a boy!

Isabella was rather modest when we had her ultrasounds done...
but this little gippers not holding anything back!

It's a boy!

Ramble: Sandstorm

So I was doing a search this morning for nice textures that I could sample for space nebula's and I came across this...

Now I've always thought that the sandstorm in the movie Hildalgo was blown out of proportion (I'd say the speed of the storm was perhaps)- that is to say I believed a storm that size was just not possible. And after seeing the images above my first impression was- hey this thing is photoshoped.... Till I saw the movie...

Good lord!

I found a little info on the storm here:

Al Asad, Iraq

These photographs were taken by:
Gunnery Sgt. Shannon Arledge and unknown others
26 April, 2005
"A dust storm similar to special effects on the big screen bellowed across the western desert of Iraq on April 26. The storm was spawned near the border of Syria and Jordan. Weather forecasters here described the dust storm as a downburst. The ensuing storm increased energy as the winds pushed over the desert, which created a wall of dirt. Weather officials said that a downburst this strong is extremely rare for this region of Iraq. As the storm moved closer the sky changed to a shade of orange until total darkness blanketed the ground. The storm passed over in about 45 minutes, leaving a heavy sheet of dust in its wake. Forecaster say the wall of dust may have reached 4,000 to 5,000 feet, based on the height of the clouds above it." - Unknown

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 9

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 9, Shattered Pieces

Bastion sits silently at the helm of the ship. Unable or unwilling to form the message in front of him. Probably both. For many long moments he pauses, trying to find anything from within the shattered data cores. Nothing. Just hints of a transmission, and nothing more.
“…I regret to inform you. Revy Daidros was destroyed twelve hours ago. She slipped out of the medical facility, and made her way to the hive. From what little data I can gather, and there isn’t much… it appears that her ships defenses were never activated. Nor were its weapons systems. It is my belief that she left a final message that was damaged and irretrievable. Perhaps you have the abilities to cipher it, as I do not. I will see that they make it to your desk.”

“I have activated her clone cycle, and barring any problems it will be ready in the next few days. As per her request, the memories surrounding this incident have not been wiped from her mind. Thank you again for all you have done.”
He finishes the message, and looks curiously out across the wreckage. Far in the distance lies the hive. And perhaps somewhere, the last thoughts of Revy Daidros- drifting towards nothing… and everything.


Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 8

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 8, Terrible Lie

The cold medical room is vacant save for the prone Intaki, and a half dozen very specialized biologic scanners. They surround her in a cocoon of violet-blue pulsating energy. From within the light several focused beams arc into nodes attached to her body, sending bolts of focused electro-magnetic particles into key sections of her body. The lab is dark save for this light, its thin bands arcing upwards- spiraling around her still body, and casting dark violet dancing shadows about the room.

In her mind, Revy recalls the latest series of dreams, all bringing her closer to the Truth of her condition. These past few days have been difficult, the tests have been thorough and exhausting, and in some cases dangerous. Her body seems to have a weak connection with the machines around her, especially when she is directly interfaced with them. And consuming her thoughts like a plague consumes life, dwells somewhere in her both hatred and resolve.
“I haven’t seen any change in her. At least none for the better”
The medical operator mentions to another.

“Well, we have done everything we can, the EMP’s aren’t working like we’d hoped.”
The doctor replies.

“Yes, it was perhaps our best strategy. Well, lets continue on this regimen until we can find the source of the infestation in her. At least she isn’t having the episodes any longer.”
A third man says with confidence.

“Intriguing set of circumstances surrounding this one… I’ve never heard of anything like this. Ever.”
The second doctor mentions, almost as if reading the thoughts of the others.
“Its been three days since I’ve been here. Two and a half weeks since it happened. And I’m no closer to being cured of this wretched disease.”
Revy speaks into the data recorder set into her ship. Her face is stern and her body seems haggard and tense.

She sits alone, in Nightshift. Dim yellow lights pulsate in the hull of the Nemesis, giving the small ship an eerie glow. The engines are offline.
“All I can think about is that somewhere in that hive, the One still exists. I can hear it clearly now, its calling to me, it wants me to protect it. I must destroy it once and for all. They’ve told me I can’t leave, but I must. I can no longer separate my thoughts, finding it hard to listen to conversations and its always there in me. That sound.”
She explains with fervor.

“The hive is still there, and I know what I must do. To all of you who have helped me… I want to thank you. It has not been in vain. I understand that you have gone out of your way to help cure this, and I appreciate all you have done. But it grows in me, and I have felt it getting stronger. You’ve done all you can, and now so too will I.”
She turns off the data recorder and sits stationery for many moments, her eyes closed in contemplation, trying to find the words inside her heart.

Deep within her, somewhere twisting every thought, drones the sound.
It beats as loud as her heart, coursing thru her as if it were a part of her blood.
It encompasses her very soul. And yet she cannot hear its truth.
The terrible lie within her.


Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 7

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 7, Deeper Within

Revy lies motionless on a small cot in a dimly lit back office. Her shaven head is lined with sweat, and her eyes seem to be moving under closed lids. Two figures are in the room with her. A red-haired Gallentean woman sits beside Revy’s unconscious form, looking after her with concern. The other woman stands in a corner, reading data off of the chip Bastion recovered at the laboratory. Both are deathly silent, a tinge of uneasiness exudes between them and pierces the smoky air.

A door opens at the opposite end of the room, breaking the silence. A Caldari man steps through, a drink in hand, looking with intrigue at the unconscious Intaki.
“What happened to her?”
He exclaims with little apathy.
Ignoring the question, the dark haired woman responds:
“I’ll take her to my lab... Understand- I’m not promising anything. Have your men bring her to my ship.”
The woman speaks directly to the Caldari man, ignoring the two others. She then closes the data pad, and brusquely leaves the chamber, letting the door clash loudly shut behind her.


Revy perceives apparent darkness. All around her is this feeling, this vibration in the air. A tingle arcs through her cold veins, though she cannot feel it here… Before her looms the hive. It seems vast, unending. An ethereal representation of her mortal form floats patiently in front of it. The hive is in constant movement, thousands of drones pierce its surface, performing all manner of tasks upon its craggy and irregular carapace.

Millions of tiny fuses light in no apparent pattern all around her, some beginning to shift from deeper within the structure. Moments pass while several tendrils cautiously slither towards her, like snakes unwilling to reveal their presence.
“I… what…?”
Revy begins to think, trying desperately to form unconscious words.
As if in response to some wicked behavior, the tendrils immediately burst to life- revealing several prong-shaped barbs along the entire length of their form. With one swift and crippling action, all six tendrils whip around her body, sinking the barbs deep within her imagined flesh.


And then there is only the sound, and pain. It floods through her, threatening to wipe out all human thought, replacing it with only an absolute series of truths she cannot quite yet comprehend.

There is no I.
Only the one.
The rest are its progeny.


As if suddenly understanding a new language, Revy’s imagined form fades, along with the visage of the hive.
“The one still exists…”
She mutters incoherently, though none are present to hear her strained words.

Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 6

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 6, The Escape

Bastion yells as he barges into the laboratory, nearly breaking the sturdy door off its hinges. Inside lies his captain, sitting upright staring at him as he enters. He stops in astonishment, to see her like this, once a respected agent of Federation Customs, now little more than a lab experiment gone horribly wrong.
“We must leave the planet, there is a shuttle waiting… The Odyssey is still safe. I did as you asked, she helped make the arrangements. But.. this.. did you do this???”
He motions down at the corpses in the chamber, the skin on their faces blistering from some unknown rash. Revy watches Bastion as he moves hastily through the room, looking over everything. When she doesn’t answer, he stops what he is doing and moves closer to her.
“Revy, I don’t know what’s happened here. But I know that if we stay, they’ll kill you. And me probably. We must leave now.”

“They won’t kill me Bastion, nor will they kill you. Its ok, I don’t feel different anymore. I know what needs to be done now. If the ambassador finds out what they’ve done here this whole installation will be torn apart. No- they won’t kill me, but I need to contact her… I need her to do it.”
She replies almost emotionlessly.
Revy then moves purposefully towards the door, moving down the hall, Bastion shakes his head and thinks aloud. Just before he leaves the room, he pulls the data core from the main medical unit. At least this can give him some answers…
“This is madness…”
The two quickly make their way thru several passageways of the nearly abandoned complex. They pass by a small crew of maintenance personnel working to restore the power to the small base. Outside, a strong planetary storm wages, and is the source of the temporary power failure. Lights flicker above them as they make their way to hanger 22, where Bastion's shuttle awaits.

Once inside, Revy lies down, fatigued and looking very fragile. Bastion covers her with blankets and hooks her into position. He then quickly gathers the necessary coordinates and begins to undock. Powerful surges of wind tear at the shuttle, threatening to tear it to pieces before it finally stabilizes and begins its swift ascent towards space.

Several hours pass, the agile shuttle making its final jump to their safe location. Bastion looks intently at the monitors in front of him. He finally finds the encryption frequency and with a sigh of relief, the data loads into view.
“What… this can’t be right…”
The resolute Vherokior begins to read the analysis.

“Ms. Daidros seems to have had a massive genetic deviation…” he mumbles
“…leaving her DNA strands altered, broken down into something we’ve never seen.”
“…apparent cause appears to have been several billion microscopic drone-like particles…”
“…entering her system by way of the Odyssey… Recommend immediate termination…”
He turns back to look at Revy, laying prone in the small shuttle. It is hard to see her like this he thinks, it is not who she is… He then opens up the com-link, and forms a message.


Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 5

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 5, The Broken Strand

…I am surrounded by my drones.
The situation is under control, I am in control of them.
I see a large structure in the distance, they want me to protect the hive.
There are so many.
Dust. Debris.
The light of the sun is obscured by it, I want it that way.
I send out some kind of resonance.
A sound.
My ship, Odyssey, responds to it. I can handle this.
I am making progress.
…She can’t sustain much longer.
All will be our way soon.

Revy’s body twitches in the cold dark chamber, her chest and head wracked in sweat. She lies atop a cold metal table in a lightless cell, an impressive assortment of advanced medical equipment and machinery surround her. A series of straps that were once holding her in place, hang limp off the sides of the table. Several of her implants have been surgically removed, and probing cuts have been made into the back of her head, which has now been shaven clean.

Just a moment before there had been seven doctors in the chamber. Now, they lie crippled on the floor in pools of their own stagnant cooling blood. A red light behind her suddenly blinks alive, as a machine begins its startup process. Several small beeps can be heard in rooms adjacent, and the lighting reluctantly flickers on.

Her fingers twitch...


Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 4

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 4, Interrogation

“Are you sure you haven’t found anything in her?”
The dark skinned Vherokior asks in a demanding tone. He stands in a military laboratory, talking with two others. Standing just shy of six feet, he wears a tribal rune-lined leather cloak and vestment, and seems to demand the respect of those in his company.

In the adjacent room, the thin Gallentean awaits word, pacing back and forth across the sterile room. She has been stripped of her belongings, her arms are folded and she looks toward the ceiling, shaking her head in frustration.
“No. Nothing. All scans have come back negative. Though she claims to have been having… episodes..”
The military doctor replies with skepticism apparent in his voice.

“I’ve seen it happen, its true. It seems as if she hears something when it happens. It nearly cripples her.”
Bastion replies.

“Well there is not much we can do for now. I recommend we keep her here, we need to monitor this if what she has revealed to us is true.”
The second doctor replies.

“Hah! She won’t stay here. And you have no authority to hold her. Federation Customs owes her…”
Bastion begins to protest in his captains favor, and is brusquely cut short.

“Federation Customs owes her nothing beyond the contracts that she has already fulfilled. Everything else is null and void after this. She will be kept here. And will be watched over. You have a problem with that, you escalate it to my superiors. See what they’ll tell you!”
The second doctor steps closer to the tall Minmatar.
The tall Vherokior is surprised by the sudden intrusion, anger welling up within him.
“So be it. I’ll go to your superiors. I expect her to be released in the next few hours, and you should expect to lose your job over this .”
Bastion approaches the glass and briefly looks thru to his captain. Although she can’t see him, she turns toward him as if she knows someone is watching. He then gathers her belongings and briskly leaves the room.

The two doctors wait until the sound of his boots echo down the adjacent hall, and then turn to look at each other.
“Well, contact Hyvris. We need to know what she knows…”
The doctor begins to walk towards the door to Revy’s cell, a syringe in hand. He stops short as the second doctor speaks up.

“We had better hurry, if the Vherokior holds the clout he thinks he does, she’ll be out of here in a few hours.”

“No… Hyvris will have his time with her. And he’ll get it out of her, the secrets shes not telling us. I’ll take care of Modros, he can’t go anywhere, I have already ordered the dismantling of the Odyssey.”

Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 3

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 3, Betrayed

Revy turns her attention to yet another wreck. There are hundreds of them out here, all bearing her signature. She has already salvaged a good portion of them, finding nothing of value or note. What has it been? Three hours? Six?

“Uughh. I can’t take this. There’s got to be something here I’m missing.”
The agile ship turns toward the drone hive, and the engines disengage. For many moments Revy stares into the heart of the structure, only fifteen or so kilometers out from it, cloaked in its shadow. From this vantage, it truly is vast. Towering out in all directions, possibly forty kilometers in diameter, its many sections seem unfinished and broken.

Its construction was by no means finished before she arrived, that is for certain. But what use did they have? Surely it was to serve some dark and sinister purpose… The dark crescent-moon shaped hive seems alive in some way, even now. She leans forward and trips the switch under her right heel. The lights in the destroyer go out, bathing her in the dark shadow of its eclipse. She peers closer inside and sees a series of blinking fuses.

Just then her vision fades and expecting to hear the awful siren, she tenses her entire body, burying her fingers into the chair and her feet into the floor. Instead, she hears her own voice. She is in combat, with the drones. Perhaps she is finally remembering something of value from that day…


Revy Daidros:
“We’re doing fine Bastion… Just a few more moments and they’ll be thru my shields. The armor will hold.”
Bastion Modros:
“Very well Revy. I’m not far if you need backup. Just say the word.”
She glances from her vantage at the helm of Odyssey to the main control panel in front of her. Confident in its abilities, she smiles as she approaches the main drone force. So far two large crowds of swift moving Decimators have flanked and failed to bring down her shielding. This next group could prove to be far more dangerous.

She issues several commands mentally, the ship picks up speed, her drones are released and the ship begins targeting several of the small drones within the main cluster. The hive immediately aggresses and turns their focus on the intruding ship. Several heart pounding moments pass and the armor holds. Then something strange happens.
“Dust… Was it not here before now… wait…??”
Suddenly from out of the hive, thick billowing streams of a fine red dust pour forth from hundreds of fissures. The main force continues to pound its way into the armor of the ship. The dust surrounds it, envelops the Odyssey. Lights begin to flicker and the capacitor begins to fail at an unprecedented rate. Systems are deactivating, then the engines are brought down…
“My drones aren’t responding.. Mechanical failure, seems my ship is infected- my systems are failing… Baaast…”
Revy yells into the com-link, communications are down.

Then a strange sensation rising up her spine, thru her body, her fingers tingle, her blood grows cold, her lungs heavy. Then her vision fades…


“Just before my systems started to fail. I released my drones. I… felt something invade the ship. Invade me. I returned and docked, I couldn’t remember a thing. But why wasn’t I destroyed? Pieces are still missing, I must talk with Bastion.”
Revy breathes in the cold air. She activates auto-pilot, having programmed the destroyer to take her back to Federation Customs. The Odyssey has been compromised, and so have I. Strange tingles raise up her spine, and her blood grows cold as the destroyer hurtles toward the first stargate.

Next >

Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 2

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 2, The Dust

Several hours later, Revy Daidros leans forward, looking out over a vast debris field. She stands just over 5’7” and her dark brown hair is set up into her signature style. She wears marroonish form fitting pants, and a dark red sleeveless shirt. A thick black belt wraps around her supple waste, holding dozens of small data chips and utility tools. Her face is bathed in a red glow from the system’s only star. The ship is close to it and would normally need to run advanced thermal subsystems to manage its heat, had it not been for this dust… Chokingly it dims the light and seems to cool the suns energy. A dark and vast shadow suddenly overtakes the chamber.

An immense super structure, built by drones, looms into view, thousands of kilometers out. It blots out the sun as if it were a drain, swallowing the light and heat, digesting it, and spewing out… this dust. The structure is now in ruins, she traces back thru the mysterious events of two weeks passed. She remembers its destruction.

“This is where it happened. I will not leave until I find it. Something. Anything.”
Revy says to herself.
She returns to her seat, and begins to scan the area, moving the swift ship ever closer to the structure, in moments she will be in cam-range. Looking out to it, she merely concentrates on an area of the structure, and the camera in her left eye begins to bring close-up images of the structure to her. She blinks in amazement and with astonishing haste, immediately moves across to the large window in front of her.
“That can’t be- they were destroyed- this was destroyed!!"
She stands in disbelief as she watches large maintenance drones moving across the massive surface. Hundreds of them. They move chaotically, but with some great purpose in mind. Then the drones begin to multiply, pouring out from deep within the broken structure, skittering over it. Like a plague of machinery a disease to true life.

The ship hurtles toward the structure, beginning an orbit of forty-thousand kilometers when suddenly she screams:
“Ahh-aahh stoooop!”
She collapses in pain and holds her ears, that sound… Doubled over in apparent agony, she manages to move toward the helm, and pulls herself into the seat. Massaging her temples and wincing in pain her vision blurs, the high-pitch siren is stronger than it was earlier. But the same, somehow connected. And just as suddenly as it had come, the sound dies out, leaving with it a massive ache.

Moments pass by, streaks of light spiral wickedly up and down within her vision, slowly thinning until she can see again. The sound is not there, but a hollow ringing remains. Almost immediately, she turns her attention back towards the drone hive. She looks back up to see nothing.

The structure is desolate, there is no movement… No drones… just an immense and foreboding structure amid an endless debris field. And dust.


Short Story: CoRD, Broken Strands pt 1

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Broken Strands: Part 1, The Dream

“Dust. The dreams. It seems I can’t escape from it… It has been two weeks since it happened. I can’t escape...”
She mumbles, almost inaudibly.

Small portions of the same dream, are revealed in tiny truncated slivers each night. Fourteen nights of restless sleep, and this wicked puzzle slowly comes together. This night has been different so far; no dreams, no pieces, no clues… just a dull relentless pain.

Revy Daidros sits in darkness, her lithe form folded over the intricate glowing consoles set up in front of her. Her dark brown hair is usually pinned up in an alluring way, but tonight it is a mess. Hands cupped over her ears, she rocks forward slightly, as if feeling an intense sudden pain in her head. The dull red monitors under her cast long shadows into the small chamber. The destroyer is vacant- thankfully, she wouldn’t want anyone to see this. Only the sounds of her panicked breathing break the silence.
“What is this… why can’t I remember it?”
She slowly lowers her hands from her ears as the intense sound only she can hear diminishes. Wiping away tears that have formed around her beautiful brown eyes, Revy sits back into the form fitting chair. Moments pass while she begins to repair her composure and assumes the confident and charismatic aura most know her so well for.

She sighs and stretches briefly before tripping a switch with the heel of her right knee-high boot. Immediately a pale green light begins to flood every chamber of the ship, revealing a network of narrow maintenance lanes and empty weapon bays. Normally these bays would be stockpiled with ammunitions, but no weapon turret has been installed on this ship. Instead, this destroyer was built for speed, maneuverability. The fact that she pushes her mechanics limits is well demonstrated when the eight massive engines rapidly fire to life. A loud series of booms rock the hanger, sending small shockwaves rippling thru it as if the air where water. She grins playfully. Messages of warning resound around her, alerting her that she has not been cleared for departure. She waits briefly, mildly impatient until a Federation Customs agent appears on the nanite-cam inset in her left iris.
“You are ready to undock now Ms. Daidros - please give us a moment next time before you engage your boosters.”
The agent declares with apparent uneasiness. The visage of the agent then abruptly fades and with it the sounds from the main operations tower. Much to her pleasure.
“I hate it when she does that.”
The agent declares.

“Yeah, but she’s earned her right to traipse around here as she does.”
Another mentions.
They both watch intently from far above hanger 438 as Revy’s Catalyst undocks from the gigantic quiet station.
“At least she doesn’t do that in the Odyssey.”
The other shakes his head in annoyance.
Looking about her monitors, the beautiful Gallentean woman seems changed somehow. Confident, at peace, this is where she belongs. Almost instantaneously, she wills the ship to its destination, and a series of jump gates are immediately programmed into the route. She smiles playfully and aligns the ship for her first jump. Her smile fades after a few moments, and a look of serious urgency is left in its place.
“Okay. I am not crazy. I know something happened out there. I don’t care how long it takes, but I will find out what.”
She closes her eyes as the tremendous momentum of the ships warp drive slowly pulls her into dizzying warp speeds. Wincing, she begins to recall the dream, not by choice, but by something else..
“Why must I continue to think of it??”
As the ship hurtles thru space, Revy begins remembering portions of the dream. Sending her well-disciplined mind spinning into a cacophony of uncontrollable thoughts. The ship begins to shudder and buckle because of it, as her mind is directly linked to every aspect of the ship. Such thoughts can be dangerous while plugged in, let alone while the warp drive is active. Visions of the dream come pouring into her mind, and just before they infest it completely, she wills the autopilot to take control. Then there is only the dream left in her.


…I am surrounded by drones.

The situation is under control, I am in control.
I see a large structure in the distance, they are protecting the hive.
There are so many.
Dust. Debris.
The light of the sun is obscured by it, they want it that way.
I pick up some kind of resonance.
A sound.
My ship, Odyssey, can handle this. I can handle this.
I am making progress.
The drones can’t sustain much longer.
And all at once, I… I can’t remember it.
What happened after this?
What is happening to me…

Short Story: CoRD, Who is Revy Daidros?

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Who is Revy Daidros?

Born and raised on Intaki V with the rest of her kin, Revy was the first in her immediate family to become a capsuleer. She was born to Shantelivan and Kourushay Daidros, whose influence and stature go well recognized on their harsh planet.

Her mother, Kourushay, is a proud and respected member of the Idama or "Most Holy". The title is given to those Intaki known as the "Reborn". Whereby through natural almost shamanistic practices a soul is reincarnated into a new life. While memories are lost from the previous life, mannerisms, personality traits and even abilities are kept. Kourushay has so far lived 7 mortal lives, loved many men who have passed beyond this realm, and is a proud and loyal parent.

Having grown amongst a very large family, with half-brothers and sisters ranging in age from 60 years to 3 years, she was never alone. However, alone she may have felt, as her father was killed six years after her birth while making a dangerous overland journey thru the deserts of Ataka. Though her memories of him are vague, she still reserves a piece of her heart for him.

Revy knew at a young age that she would someday become a capsuleer, as it was always her dream. She was skilled as an artist during her teenage years- a hobby she has never forgotten, and was always traveling as much as she could. By the young age of 12, she had already made the pilgrimage to 27 space stations across three regions, where she fostered a growing interest in space flight. Her half brother Traimus, (born to Kourushay's 6th husband Sel’haith), watched over her and taught her everything he could during their travels. His disappearance 4 years later would propel Revy into a sinister plot that would nearly kill her. Never having found the exact circumstances surrounding his disappearance, she sought at last to become a pilot, like Traimus.

And so at the age of 17, she sought enrollment at the Center for Advanced Studies, and began pursuing the path of the capsuleer. Two sisters joined her a year later at the school, where the three became well known and liked by most of their collegues.

Probably best known for her flare for the dramatic, she has an uncanny knack for getting others to smile.


Height- 5'7"
Weight- 122 lbs
Apparent Age- Late 20's, early 30's
Eyes- Brown, dark rimmed
Hair- Brown with darker streaks, usually curled or held up into her signature style
Tatoos- None apparent
Race- Gallente
Bloodline- Intaki
Ancestry- Artists
Birthplace- Celebrinem, Intaki V
Education- Center for Advanced Studies
Specialty- Engineering, Spaceship Command & Electronics

Next >

Short Story: CoRD, Introduction

So I used to play this online game called: Eve. It is a Sci-fi based MMO, where you create a character who becomes a "Capsuleer" or a pilot who begins as a graduate and over the course of time learns skills that increase your knowledge in a myriad of subjects. As time in the game progresses, your character begins to gain power and standing and can pilot bigger and meaner ships.

I was enthralled when I saw that their community was rich with role-players, perhaps more so than any other online game I've played to date. So I started to write stories based on my character.

Her name is Revy Daidros, and these are the stories I've written based on the character, about 9 months worth...

The Chronicles of Revy Daidros

Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails

Monday, August 25, 2008

Review: Parallel Worlds

I'm reading this book at the moment that is just amazing. I thought I would take a minute to give some information about it.

It is written by Michio Kaku and called:

Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation,
Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos

This book is amazing! Im only about 1/5 of the way through and its got me glued to the pages. I've always been interested in the universe, probably more so now than ever before in my past, and learning about the history of how theories and science have come together to paint our knowledge of the cosmos is just humbling in a word.

The first part of the book goes into how the theories have been developed over the years, and who the great pioneers were in astronomy and physics. He talks about how our universe may have formed and the constituents of our natural world- what is it made up of?

Not only is the read brilliant in its scope of information about our cosmos and the evolution of our universe, but it is easily read- even for those of us who haven't had the opportunity (or patience) to delve too deeply into physics.

I can't wait to finish it, but like most great reads, I'm not looking forward to its end...

Here is a small tidbit from the book-
"Eventually, Linde proposed a new version of inflation that seemed to eliminate some of the defects of the early versions. He envisioned a universe in which, at random points in space and time, spontaneous breaking occurs. At each point where breaking occurs, a universe is created which inflates a little. Most of the time, the amount of inflation is minor. But because this process is random, eventually there will be a bubble where the inflation lasts long enough to create our universe. Taken to its logical conclusion, this means that inflation is continuous and eternal, with big bangs happening all the time, with universes sprouting from other universes. In this picture, universes can "bud" off into other universes, creating a "multiverse."
Now go buy this book!

We're having a what?

This Thursday Ashley and I will be headed in to the doctor's office to (hopefully!) find out what we're having. We weren't so lucky finding out with Isabella, though she gave us ample hints- every time we had an ultrasound done, she was crossing her legs... We really should've known!

So we'll see soon enough!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wireless Power?

Interesting news article here, it seems technology has now been developed to transfer power wirelessly. Check out the link here:

Here is a quote from the article:

Electricity was sent wirelessly to a lamp on stage, lighting a 60 watt bulb that uses more power than a typical laptop computer.

Most importantly, the electricity was transmitted without zapping anything or anyone that got between the sending and receiving units.

"The trick with wireless power is not can you do it; it's can you do it safely and efficiently," Intel researcher Josh Smith said in an online video explaining the breakthrough.

"It turns out the human body is not affected by magnetic fields; it is affected by elective fields. So what we are doing is transmitting energy using the magnetic field

not the electric field."

Here is another article on CNN on the subject:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reflections: GenCon 2008

Hey, I'm really not as geek as my wife thinks I am...

At least I didn't feel like it when I went to this years GenCon in Indianapolis. I mean its not difficult to feel quite normal amongst so many costumed people. There were FAR more people geekier than I can or will ever be.

A bunch of my friends and I had quite the blast! We drove down on Friday and stayed through Sunday. We saw all manner of funky costumes and felt right at home with the droves of geeks, dorks, gamers, and role-players alike. Among other things, we hung out and enjoyed our base of operations near the convention hall, which was only a few blocks away.

A couple notable events took place, first being our dinner at the Weber Grill, first time I've eaten at one- was an awesome place, with great food and outstanding service. They give out little packets of spice like other places give you mints at the end of your meal. How cool is that!?

Although I missed Peter Mayhew (actor who played Chewbacca in Star Wars) which made me sad, I did have the opportunity to partake in the Tower of Gygax. Now before you go running to moderators, it was a role-playing event that was being hosted at the convention.

Gary Gygax was the guy who invented Dungeons and Dragons. He passed away earlier this year and as part of his memorial, they were hosting an impossibily difficult hack'n'slash 1st edition campaign. Most of our characters ended up dying off pretty early, in fact in the 30 minutes that I played, I think I saved vs. death like 4 times. Eeeps.

So after that we kinda hung out and then played a board game that Paul picked up called Settlers of Catan. What a neat strategy game! Here it is in a nutshell, linky here:
As a pioneer on the island of Catan, your goal is to grow your civilization by producing and trading resources such as wheat, ore, and wood. Build roads, expand your settlements into cities, and be the first player to earn 10 victory points and win the game. Random maps are created each time you play, so each game provides a new and exciting challenge.
Anyways, we had a blast! Check out our Flickr group for pics of the trip...

And Indiana's got some strange town names...
In about 30 miles we saw Moroco, Egypt, Lebanon,
but these two took the cake...

Okay, so maybe I am as geek as my wife says I am.

Space: Who Knew, #7

Space: Who Knew - Index
Last post
The Closest Star

Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our own. Its designation is that of a Red Dwarf, and a flare star.

It lies in the southern constellation Centaurus at a distance of 4.2 light years. Do you remember from my my previous post on the structure of our galaxy, just how far light travels in a year? That would be 5,878,625,373,183.61 miles (or 5.8 trillion miles). Therefore, Proxima Centauri lies just over 24.6 trillion miles away.

The Alpha Centauri system is a triple star system, so Proxima Centauri isn't alone. Centauri A and Centauri B, both Yellow Dwarf's, are quite a bit larger than Proxima and make up the last two stars in the system. Check out this link to see an example of how a triple star system spins.

It's brightest star resembles our own, though it is farther away than Proxima Centauri. Heres a tidbit quoted from Proxima Centauri's wiki article:
"Searches for companions orbiting Proxima Centauri have been unsuccessful, although these attempts could only rule out the presence of large companions such as brown dwarfs and supermassive planets.[15][16] The detection of smaller objects will require the use of new instruments, such as the proposed Space Interferometry Mission.[17] Since Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf and a flare star, whether a planet orbiting this star could support life is disputed.[18][19] Because of the star's proximity, it has been proposed as a destination for interstellar travel.[20]"
And another quote from here:
"A and B are a physical binary star, with an eccentric orbit in which A and B can be as close as 11 AU or as far away as 36 AU. Proxima is much further away (~15,000 AU) from A and B than they are to each other. Although this distance is still small compared to other interstellar distances, it is debatable whether Proxima is gravitationally bound to A and B.[12]"
Who knew???

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Isabella is pretty strong =D

Last night Ashley and I took Isabella for a walk. Well at least we did in the beginning- it didn't take long before Isabella was taking us for a walk...

Turns out she can lug me around in the wagon. Hey she's pretty strong!

Here are a couple pics we nabbed:

Review: Sunshine

Film Review

7-- Cinematography
7-- Script
2-- One-Liners
5-- Acting
9-- CG & Visuals
7-- Soundtrack
8-- Originality

This, in my opinion was a great movie.

Its been several months since I first saw it, and though it didn't do well in theaters, it was certainly worth the watching. I still watch it from time to time when I have to get into a creative mindset.

In Sunshine, a small crew of astronauts and scientists travel aboard a sophisticated space ship named Icarus II, headed toward the sun in the hopes of delivering a stellar bomb. The sun is dying, and all life as we know it will be close behind... That is unless the crew of Icarus manages to jump start the star. The crew is faced with several intense challenges, and catastrophe takes them by surprise. They struggle an upward and futile battle, until the very end.

I thought the visuals were stunning, awe-inspiring and all out brilliant in scope and execution. You really get an intimate look at what happens to the characters in complete isolation while they try to do their jobs under extremely tense circumstances.

Of all the good points this movie has to offer, I think the only gripe I have is in the acting. Of the main 7 characters, a few really felt more like distractions. At times it felt as if the script was being forced, and it seemed to pull away from its believability. I quickly felt drawn back in as more of the plot was revealed.

If you have a love for the cosmos, and you enjoy a good thriller, this movie is for you!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Reflections: Hurricane Charlie

Well, its been four years since we were in Florida.

It turns out that we've got two anniversaries on August 13th. My staff infection was the second- Hurricane Charlie was the first. I wanted to upload a couple of the images that we took the night after the storm, but first I'll recollect what happened...

(puts arms in the air and wiggles fingers)
doodeledoo doodeledoo doodeledoo....

So we knew that Hurricane Charlie was going to make landfall that night. It was all over the news. People were reporting on the severe weather near the coast line, and everywhere you turned people were leaving to hustle home from work early.

I remember my boss asking me to stay late that night. Lol fat chance, I basically told them to shove off and I left early. I knew that the storm was going to pass near us, and I wanted to hurry home to prepare.

Well, we ended up having our good friends Blake and Jeremy over that night, and we basically cleared out our freezer. We knew we'd lose power, so why not just eat all we could!? Hey bears can do it.

Anyways, we sat down and played some video games for a while, until we heard reports that the storm had shifted course and now was headed straight over the top of us. It wasn't all too bad for the most part, but a few events did freak us out a bit.
  • The sky turns green, very eerie, almost as if the light is coming from the earth and bouncing upward. like the clouds were lit from below. really strange.
  • Storm reduces visibility, water is seen spitting through our door (we're on the third floor so it was the wind whipping it around)
  • We hear noises outside, opent he door to see a couple gutsy (stupid) neighbors running around the stairs trying to stay on their feet through the wind
  • We hear the windows begin to shake a bit, so we huddle inside the (very freaking tiny) bathroom. All 6 of us. (Blake, Jeremy, Ashley, myself, Taylor and Madison- our two dogs)
  • We hear a noise coming from our bedroom, Blake Jeremy and I leave the bathroom to investigate
  • We see the door to our bedroom literally shaking, violently knocking against its frame. We push the door open to find that the window in our bedroom was busted out, a wind tunnel was just pushing right thru the room
  • We decide to go back into the bathroom, the storm is so freaking loud. We dont really do much talking, Ashley falls asleep in the tub
  • The storm begins to lessen, we leave the bathroom, but wait a while to go outside
When we did finally go outside, it was like a tornado hit. And several funnels were spotted during this storm, so we're confident one had passed right over the top of us.

Where we lived there were several parking lots, each divided by a residential apartment complex. None of the parking lots had damage save for ours. On ours, every car with the exception of 1 or 2 (in total there were probably 20 cars parked), lost at least one window during the storm. Our Jeep had two shattered windows. The apartment complex next to ours had a third-floor cavein because of all the water that was on the roof after the storm.

We went around the side of our apartment, and found that the wall to our bathroom had taken damage, and was torn right down to the piping.
The next day we could see thru to the outside. Power would not return for what seemed like several weeks, and on every road toward the end, you could find cars that had run out of gas.

Needless to say our apartment was condemned, and we were forced to move. Luck would have it that we already were partially packed, we had planned on moving out a month later...

Regardless, we've always thought of Charlie as the SOB who threw us out of FL.
(In reality we were very fortunate to have not suffered worse, many people had, and our hearts went out to them...)

Check out the wiki on Chaz- the hurricane that threw us out of FL:
The storm continued to strengthen as it turned more to the northeast, and made landfall near the island of Cayo Costa, Florida as a 150 mph (240 km/h) Category 4 hurricane at approximately 3:45 p.m. EDT (1945 UTC) on the 13th.[5][3] An hour later, the hurricane struck Punta Gorda as a 145 mph (230 km/h) storm.[1] However, the eye had shrunk before landfall, limiting the most powerful winds to an area of 6 nautical miles (11 km) of the center.[1]

Charley weakened considerably due to its passage over land, but still retained sustained winds of well over 85 mph (135 km/h) as it passed directly over OrlandoAugust 13 (0020-0140 UTC August 14); gusts of up to 106 mph (171 km/h) were recorded at Orlando International Airport.[3] between 8:20 and 9:40 p.m. on
Last but not least... couple youTube videos of Hurricane Charlie....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cancer: The Treatment, Part 1

So I've been meaning to talk about this for a while, but every time I sit down to go over my thoughts I find I haven't got a clue on how to begin...

I suppose first off I want to make it clear that I don't want this to come off sounding like I want sympathy from any of you. That's not what this is about. Its more about discussing my experiences and how the chemotherapy affected me. A memoir of sorts on what I've felt and learned from this life experience.

My treatments were administered by a team of wonderful people, people who cared for not only myself, but for my family as well. I am still amazed at how I was treated, and in fact how I saw them treat all the patients in the oncology center- never once did I feel a burden or invisible.

In fact, when Ashley and I first sat down with the nurse to speak about the treatment process, the wonderful lady cared so much for us that she began to tear up, quite obviously overtaken with emotion.

I'll admit it was a little unnerving to see her saddened at the thought of my condition, though I understand she probably remembered others who were in her care that weren't as fortunate as myself. I don't honestly know how doctors and nurses like her can do it- it takes a certain caliber of strength and humbleness to be able to look after others in such a manner. Is humbleness a word?

The Process

So my treatment began on a Monday in July, 2006. I was to undergo two six-week cycles. Each cycle would begin with a five day regiment during the first week, with the next three weeks requiring a visit only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The last two weeks of the cycle were only Monday visits to take tests, clean the PICC line and recoup from the first round of medicine.

It was decided that since I would be getting these treatments on a rather continuous basis, I would have a PICC line put in (for information on PICC lines click here). Basically it is a catheter inserted in the inner bend of your elbow that runs up a large vein and ends just north of your heart.

From here, the medicine could be administered without the hassle of daily needle pokes and such. So, this was a simple outpatient procedure that took all of an hour. It was pretty interesting watching them do it, I could see on the monitor as they fed the tube up my arm and into my chest, was something I'd never really witnessed (or much care to witness again). This was done a few days before my chemotherapy began. Over the course of the treatment, I had two of these PICC lines put in.

So now I had a little tube hitch-hiker dangling from my inner left elbow. It would require daily maintenance and had to remain dry- something I wasn't particularly looking forward to. Imagine putting a plastic bag around your arm every morning when you showered, taking care to tape it shut (and I have arm hair mind you). It was convienent though, for the most part.

I walked in the first day feeling a little apprehensive and well okay, a little scared. I knew though, that for all my anxiety, Ashley's must have been triple-fold. Even if she did well to hide it.

As we walked in we were greeted again by the nurses who would be taking care of us, and my anxiety was quickly put to rest when the nurses began to oogle over Isabella. She was just over 6 months old. Suddenly it felt more like a family get-together than anything else. We talked for a little bit while the nurses brought in the IV and (I'm not sure of the technical term) the drip machine thingy.

I was hooked up in no time and was recieving a combination of fluids and medication. We were there for several hours at a time, usually around two-to-three if I can remember correctly. Lunch was always provided (even if rarely taken) and lights were turned off when I wanted to sleep. They made it a very comfortable place, and Isabella was always with us.

How it affected me

So I didn't really feel anything until the third day. I felt... different.

It was like my energy was robbed away, at least in part. I'm not sure how much of this was mental at this stage, but I know that part of it had to be. I had decided to take off from work during this time, and focus on getting through the treatments. This did offer quite the relief on my every day routine, however in hindsight, this was probably a careless descision on my part.

It caused a time of financial stress on us that was difficult to overcome. I would like to mention that it was our dear friends and family who looked after us most generously during this time. We're very lucky to have such wonderful people around us.

I digress...

The third day I began to feel weak, I was sleeping more and my appetite was beginning to diminish. My bowel movements began to change and I remember being plugged up for several weeks (sorry for the visual), which is (ask anyone who knows me) not really usual for me (we'll put it that way).

After the first five-days were through, I had a brief and very welcome break during the weekend. I again began to feel my energy return which carried me through the next week feeling little distress.

After the second week, my white blood cells had diminished significantly, something that is normal for people undergoing chemotherapy. It was decided that I would recieve Neulasta to beef up my bodies defenses (for information on Neulasta click here). Already I was beginning to feel a dip in my body, this one perhaps greater than the first. I was hoping for relief from the new drug, but knew what the doctor had told me- it may cause mild to moderate bone pain.

I thought it wouldn't be too bad...

So I had three shots of this I believe, and boy was I wrong. I remember it laid me flat for many days, unable to walk, feeling feeble and drained. It was as if I couldn't get comfortable in any position. Sleep came difficult as I could not stop from tossing and turning, unable to find relief to the pain that had developed in my leg bones and arm bones especially.
Unfortunately they were necessary and in hindsight, I was lucky to have my white blood cells return to an average level. I remember putting Ashley through some difficult times during this event. I can only sit in wonder to think of everything shes done for me over the years.

Now by this time I was just entering my fifth week. It was the two-week break before the next treatment and I had some time away from the drugs. The hair on my head and face had fallen out by now, but oddly enough, my leg and arm hair remained (though thinner).

I remember I put my hand up to my goatee one day and moved it down towards my chin. When I looked at my hand, it was covered in hair. I could literally take my hand and run it through the hair on my head and have sections of it just fall right out. Thats when it was time to shave!

Its too bad I was so white I probably wouldn't have looked half bad bald if I had been tanner... I digress again... So the next main chapter in this story is my staff infection. I'll save that for another entry...

My Bookshelf

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