Who is Revy Daidros?
Broken Strands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Rough and Tumble: The Rush
Rough and Tumble: Chasing the Prize
Rough and Tumble: Ransom
Remembrance: The Beginning
Remembrance: Graduation Day
Remembrance: Beloved
Remembrance: Data Trails
Who is Revy Daidros?
Born and raised on Intaki V with the rest of her kin, Revy was the first in her immediate family to become a capsuleer. She was born to Shantelivan and Kourushay Daidros, whose influence and stature go well recognized on their harsh planet.
Her mother, Kourushay, is a proud and respected member of the Idama or "Most Holy". The title is given to those Intaki known as the "Reborn". Whereby through natural almost shamanistic practices a soul is reincarnated into a new life. While memories are lost from the previous life, mannerisms, personality traits and even abilities are kept. Kourushay has so far lived 7 mortal lives, loved many men who have passed beyond this realm, and is a proud and loyal parent.
Having grown amongst a very large family, with half-brothers and sisters ranging in age from 60 years to 3 years, she was never alone. However, alone she may have felt, as her father was killed six years after her birth while making a dangerous overland journey thru the deserts of Ataka. Though her memories of him are vague, she still reserves a piece of her heart for him.
Revy knew at a young age that she would someday become a capsuleer, as it was always her dream. She was skilled as an artist during her teenage years- a hobby she has never forgotten, and was always traveling as much as she could. By the young age of 12, she had already made the pilgrimage to 27 space stations across three regions, where she fostered a growing interest in space flight. Her half brother Traimus, (born to Kourushay's 6th husband Sel’haith), watched over her and taught her everything he could during their travels. His disappearance 4 years later would propel Revy into a sinister plot that would nearly kill her. Never having found the exact circumstances surrounding his disappearance, she sought at last to become a pilot, like Traimus.
And so at the age of 17, she sought enrollment at the Center for Advanced Studies, and began pursuing the path of the capsuleer. Two sisters joined her a year later at the school, where the three became well known and liked by most of their collegues.
Probably best known for her flare for the dramatic, she has an uncanny knack for getting others to smile.
Height- 5'7"
Weight- 122 lbs
Apparent Age- Late 20's, early 30's
Eyes- Brown, dark rimmed
Hair- Brown with darker streaks, usually curled or held up into her signature style
Tatoos- None apparent
Race- Gallente
Bloodline- Intaki
Ancestry- Artists
Birthplace- Celebrinem, Intaki V
Education- Center for Advanced Studies
Specialty- Engineering, Spaceship Command & Electronics
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