Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prego Update

I had to leave work early today because Ashley's contractions became pretty severe. We went to the hospital around 3 pm and stayed there while they did tests until about 5 pm. She is not yet dilated, so the contractions are just Braxton Hicks, and the fern test came back negative (which means she's not likely to have the baby with 1-2 weeks). They decided it was in Ashley's best interest if they kept her in the hospital, because her contractions were still quite frequent and many were pretty intense.

She's had these confounded things for about 7 weeks now, I don't know how she does it... Anyways, she's at the hospital now, and I'm sitting here missing her! Isabella and I brought her dinner and watched Finding Nemo for about an hour and a half before we left for home, so she had some company tonight at least...

As much as I love my little girl, and love the idea of having another child.... I don't think I'll ever put Ashley through this again. Looking forward to when Braden is born and she can be comfortable again!

You're a trooper Ash, I love you!


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