Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ramble: Election day in America

Well, today's the day.

We're finally to that day where we know tomorrow we won't receive 10+ phone calls from the republican party pleading for us to cast our vote for that "maverick" McCain for president.


I hope all of you who read this, today and any day after, can say that today you cast your vote. In times such as these, it is so imperative that we don't take our freedoms for granted. This year's election is perhaps the single largest political event in my life to date. My hope is that in 30 years, I can look back on this time in our country's history and proclaim: "I was there. I was part of that."

It's no secret that my family supports Obama, our prayer is that the Obama/Biden team can step up and fulfill the plans that they have laid out. We'll be watching today, as American's flood in to the polls, eager to participate in the 2008 election.

And we'll be watching tomorrow, as I hope, will all of you.

One other thing- thank GOD for absentee ballots. We waited a whole of 5 minutes when we cast our vote two weeks ago...


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