Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oshkosh Quarry Deer

So on Tuesday the Oshkosh Common Council decided to cull the Vulcan Quarry deer despite the fact that the owners of the quarry are against the move. Oshkosh is about 65,000 people in population, and yet only 600 were surveyed. Apparently they're going to bring sharpshooters in to take care of the "situation" on Friday.

Northwestern Article 1

Northwestern Article 2

It's really too bad that the city was so gung-hoe on preceding in this way. It would have been far better to move the 30+ deer from the quarry to other parts of the state.

I was out there a few days ago taking pictures and managed to catch a few. I think I'll go out again tonight and see if I can get a few more photos before they kill the animals. I'm all for hunting and what not, but this, this reminds me too much of humanities blatant disregard for the world in which we live.

I wrote a little about that in this post a while back...






Tyrsblade said...

I want to make sure I got this right, The STATE is going onto PRIVATE property AGAINST the wishes of the OWNER's wishes. I smell a constitutional issue here.

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