Monday, January 12, 2009

Welcome into the world ma'boy!!

Braden was born early this afternoon!

He was born at 3:55 pm and is 7 lbs 13 ounces, 20 inches long. He has been up looking around and been very awake, taking everything in. Ashley is feeling great, and we had one of our personal friends as our nurse throughout the delivery. Thanks so much for all you've done Nicole!!

We were admitted early this morning at 8 am and Ashley was given a round of Petosin (sp?) to help speed up her contractions. By mid morning there was an obvious change, and by early afternoon (1-ish) the doctor came in and broke her water.

From there on out, it went pretty fast, and not before long she was ready to have start pushing. From the time she started to the time he was here was about 20 minutes. Oh did I mention we only made it through Lord of the Rings 1 and 2 extended versions before he arrived! We figured we'd have plenty of time to get through all three! WEEEHU!


Here are a few pictures, I'll post more tomorrow!! Thanks for all the love and support-









~The Mariucci's


Blake Johnson said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAY!!! im so happy to hear the news and also relieved the baby and ash are just fine. congrats bud wish i could be there to give a cigar or raise a glass of beer or something.

Pобеpт Bőrök said...


Tara W said...

Congrats on the newest family member. I know it has been a long journey but the best is yet to come. Glad he wasn't as big as they were talking - it made me hurt just thinking about 10 pounds.

Glad all went well and hope it continues to get better!!!

Paul Paulick said...

Congratulations sir! With any luck the boys will be able to go to the same schools and maybe play some AD&D 8th Ultimate Supra Edition during lunch hours.

Unknown said...

Hahahah!! Thanks everybody!

Anonymous said...

~*CONGRATS!!!! Jono and Ash ya'll are GREAT parents and I'm so happy God blessed you with another beautiful baby! Good luck and love em lots! They grow up too fast!!!*~

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