Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Orion's Belt

Orion's belt is easily spotted in the night sky. From left to right, the stars are named: Alnitak, Alnilam, & Mintaka. I had no idea the Horse Head Nebula and Flame Nebula were that close to Alnitak...

Today's APOD is shown above, unlike the first image, this was taken with a digital camera affixed to a telescope, and so the colors are a bit more what you'd expect to see when looking through a telescope.

I'll never look at Orion's Belt in the same way. In fact, this might be a good spot to train the telescope this summer...


Pобеpт Bőrök said...

Man, your astronomy posts are making me want to get a telescope now.

coolkidscaches said...

really like your site. thanks for writing something so interesting cheers! :-)

Unknown said...

I know what you mean Bob, I have my sisters old 'scope out in the garage, looking forward to warmer weather so I don't freeze out there :)

Thanks Hayley!

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