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While the name might bear resemblance to an axe-wielding ork, I assure you we're not talking World of Warcraft here. Today's ramble is on a type of star called the Magnetar, thus named after its prominent magnetic field. Check it out:
Of the 400 billion stars in our galaxy, only 12 are magnetars -- neutron stars possessed of a magnetic field a quadrillion times stronger than Earth's.It appears that the theory of a Magnetar was first established in 1992. Here's another good article, this one from 1998:
Make that 13. In an article published last Friday in Nature, researchers at NASA's Spitzer Science Space Center describe a newly-found magnetar called SGR 1900+14.
How big is a quadrillion, you ask? It's a million times a billion. As in, 1,000,000,000,000,000. Apply it to magnetic fields, and -- in the well-chosen words of this press release -- you get "extreme fields [that] stretch the very fabric of matter, contorting atoms into thin cigar-shaped structures."
Under that stress, the star's very crust can split open, temporarily releasing "over a thousand times more energy than all of the stars in a galaxy." That appears to have happened around SGR 1900+14; the break in the interstellar dust ring surrounding the star was likely caused by the flare shooting into space.
On March 5, 1979, gamma ray detectors on nine spacecraft across our solar system recorded an intense radiation spike. It was just 2/10th of a second long - with as much energy as the sun releases in 1,000 years - followed by a 200-second emission that showed a clear 8-second pulsation period (most SGR bursts release as much energy as the sun releases in one year). The position tied the burst to a supernova remnant known as N49 in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
"We found that the pulsar was slowing down at a rate that suggested a magnetic field strength of about 800 trillion Gauss, a field strength similar to that for so called magnetars predicted by previous theoretical work," said Kouveliotou.By comparison, Earth's magnetic field is a mere 0.6 Gauss at the poles, and the best we can sustain in laboratories on the ground is 1 million Gauss - and that's in a small volume. Normal radio pulsars reach about 1 trillion to 5 trillion Gauss, strong but still short of a magnetar.
"If the field really is this strong," notes Kouveliotou, "then magnetism itself can keep the star hot - about 10 million degrees C (18 million deg. F) at the surface - and power the X-rays coming from its rotating surface."
For more info on Magnetar's check out these links:
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