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Venus spins backwards!?
Men are from Mars, women are from a fiery world that spins backwards...
At first glance I'd want to believe otherwise, but come on...
"Venus is made of the same stuff of Earth, but is bone-dry, hot enough to melt lead and has a chokingly thick atmosphere. It even spins backwards."
I could see how women could be from here!
Okay enough of that, I would like to keep most of my women friends, all in jest girls! But I find it extremely peculiar that this is the only planet in our solar system that spins with a retro-grade motion. I believe that means, if you view the planet along its poles, or from above- the planet rotates clockwise. An attribute only appearing on Venus, all other planets including Earth rotate counter-clockwise about its axis.
The second link above outlines a theory on why this is so. A major collision event early in Venus' development (we're talking 4 billion plus years ago here) could have produced the conditions on the planet today.
The third link is one I found on APOD, just details an Acidic haze that spread across the planet earlier this year.
Who knew???
Hey - I resent that woman comment, though I am sure you didn't mean that toward have to love's in your blood. HA HA sucker!!
Haha, as Ashley would say- its in the fine print of the contract.
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