I must admit that the prospect of raising not one but two little terrors somewhat scares me. For a very long time I wanted to make sure that I would be able to give my children a 'good' life. Goals that I set were fairly simple, like making sure that our finances were in order, that we had a solid roof under our head, and that we were in a place that was warm and inviting for raising children.
And now that we have most of those things all in order, I still find myself somewhat skeptical of my own long-term abilities in being a dad. Now that's not to say I'm bad at parenting, but more that I find it difficult to connect the way I want to, to be a teacher.
I try to interpret how Isabella's mind works and sometimes its really tough! Now I know you're all sitting back laughing at me because in truth, I'm a great dad (okay enough with the tooting of my own horn). But there is something to be said about raising a child and nurturing their mind, a kind of mental cultivation that has extremely high stakes.
I ask myself often, am I connecting with her on a level that she can understand... Am I doing what she wants, or what she needs? The truth of the matter is that all good parents ask these questions.
I was thrilled to find out that we didn't have to go thru fertility treatments to get pregnant this second time around. We were close too- we had already started the process, and had planned to go to the doctor the month after we found out. It truly is interesting how that works itself out.
We're lucky and I'm very proud to admit, I can't wait to meet our newest addition! Be it a girl or boy (and yes, we're going to TRY to find out the gender). Psst- little one- that means you shouldn't cross your legs like your sister mmkay?
In short, worry not dads to be! It's all cake in practise, even if your hands get dirty from time to time. ...Though I could do without the diapers...
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