Saturday, September 20, 2008


Imagine being trapped in another dimension, unable to cross back to your own even though you can see it millimeters away. Must feel similar to this...

I mean lets think about it for a minute. The hornet must understand its dilemma. It can probably see through the glass to the other side. It knows that it can only move up and down or left and right, for all extents and purposes the hornet is now in a 2-dimensional world (sandwiched in between the other pane of glass not visible in this photograph). I'd be like- what the F gives man!? Here I am flying around enjoying the nice summer breeze when BAM! I take a wrong turn and my world is drastically changed.

So what would I do if my brain were that small (now now its not fair to say that folks). Would I understand that there is a way out somehow? How long would I search for it? How annoyed with the situation could I get? Could I realize that perhaps there is no way out, and if so would I be sad that I couldn't get back to my colony?

I dunno really... He's a bug.



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