Monday, September 22, 2008

Palin & Women's rights

Ashley and I have been saying for weeks that Sarah Palin, if elected with John McCain, will set back women's rights by 50 years. This article goes to prove it...
  • While Sarah Palin was mayor, Wasilla charged victims for their rape exams
  • Interviews, review of records show no evidence Palin knew victims were charged
  • Former state representative says it seems unlikely Palin was not aware of issue
Now, one might argue that there is no evidence that she knew about such charges, but lets take a step back. Wasilla was a town of "approximately 7,000" people. A state law was put into legislation in 2000, and every township was cool with it except Wasilla?? They couldn't convince the chief of police to stop charging them??? And to top that off, Alaska has had the worst record in any state in rape and murder of women by men- so... Rape surely would have been a topic worthy of attention by the town's mayor right?
"I find it hard to believe that for six months a small town, a police chief, would lead the fight against a statewide piece of legislation receiving unanimous support and the mayor not know about it," Croft said.

"After it became law, Wasilla's police chief told the local paper, The Frontiersman, that it would cost the city $5,000 to $14,000 a year -- money that he'd have to find."

"Before Palin came to City Hall, the Wasilla Police Department paid for rape kits out of a fund for miscellaneous costs, according to the police chief who preceded Fannon and was fired by Palin. That budget line was cut by more than half during Palin's tenure, but it did not specifically mention rape exams."
She didn't know about it- are you kidding me?

Just one more reason people should really pay more attention to the candidates.


Brandy said...

We so agree with you two.

She cannot be allowed to get into a position of power or potential Presidency.



Unknown said...

Yeah sure is scary...

The thing that worries me, is the Republican's know how to win elections. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up taking the presidency.

It really is scary, when I think about the world our children will grow up in and see the direction our country is headed...

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