Monday, September 29, 2008


Ooh man... JINX!

Ashley and I were just talking over AIM a few minutes ago and TWICE in the same conversation, in less than 3 minutes, did we say the exact same thing.

Have you ever wondered if in some ways linking your thoughts to someone else is possible? Okay, so I may sound rather strange when mentioning this, but every now and again this happens. Now, of course, this sort of thing can be chalked up as just a random, chance based occurrence, but every now and again it could be your subconscious mind... Hey I think telepathy is possible, and I think everyone is capable of it. It's only a matter of time before we evolve to make better use of the real estate north of your neck.

It is really too bad humans can't utilize more of their brain power. I say human because I am quite OBVIOUSLY not one.

For those of you who said "Pssh"



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