Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reflections: C'mon and getta rhythm...

So I was doing the nightly routine with Isabella last night- going over our animals and singing some songs, just like most nights. I was going through YouTube trying to find new content for Isabella to sing and dance to (cuz quite frankly you can only take so much of Ariel and Jasmine), when I remembered "Walk the Line" the movie based on Johnny Cash's life.

So I was like- hey she might like to dance to these songs.

Okay a few mistakes...
  • Don't get a two year old riled up before bedtime
  • Make sure you're in shape enough to keep up with your two year old
  • Don't get a two year old riled up before bedtime
Started with this one.

MAN she got excited. We danced around my office for like 2 minutes before it felt really claustrophobic (its a pretty small room to be running around in- especially for a 2 year old). So we moved it downstairs and popped in the dvd.

Spent the next 25 minutes boogying to the movie tunes. Its quite a contrast, when we compare her energy to mine. There's no way in hell I'll be able to keep up with her as she gets bigger! Maybe I need to practice more...

I have to admit though, if you want to tire a kid out before bedtime- dancing and singing songs is my preferred method. She was out cold in minutes after we were done!


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