Saturday, September 20, 2008

Braxton Hicks

So Ashley and I are in the midst of a bit of a scare.

She's been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions for the past couple days. We've seen the doctor once and have been talking with the nurses since they started happening.

But today she had about 6 contractions each hour for about 3 hours. They say that you should see a doctor if you experience more than 4 per hour, so needless to say we're concerned. We're a little scared that the baby is going to come too soon, he needs to grow up a bit more before he's ready for the world. Anyways, if you have a spare moment, say a prayer to your chosen deity that the contractions stop (at least for the next two months).

Meanwhile mommy and daddy will be trying to take it easy(er).


Brandy said...

Have they stopped at all?

How is her fluid intake?

Have they ordered and AFI or NST on her??

Thinking about you guys.

Unknown said...

Nope, they haven't stopped yet. She's drinking a lot of water and is taking it easy. She's been averaging about 4-5 a day now.

The doctor hasn't ordered any additional tests done, but did say that shes very close to being put on bed-rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.

We'll see how it all turns out, I'm hoping they just kinda continue to recede, but that may just be wishful thinking.

Glad to hear from you!

Brandy said...

That's got to be so unnerving for you both.

Can Ash just go on bed rest anyways?

Hard to with a little one running around I'm sure, but feet up and hydrating well is the best thing for her.

Keep the blog updated! I love baby stuff. If I had an option now I'd totally go back in time and become a Nurse Midwife. Totally.

Unknown said...

Yeah, it surely is. She's doing what she can to take it easy. She is a stay at home mom, which really helps, but its a double-edged sword as she's got a 2-1/2 year old running amok.

She had several last night, but no more than 2-3 during the hours she was having them (there were several hours where she didnt have any)

So I dunno, we'll just wait and see I guess...

Yeah, Ashley enjoys that sort of thing too :)

Brandy said...

How are things going now?

Friend of mine had her baby 2 months early and they just took him home yesterday and are doing GREAT.

So thought I'd check in on you guys.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear your friend is doing well, it's amazing what they can do to keep babies safe and growing when born that early.

We're doing pretty good. Ashley's contractions haven't stopped or lessened lately, and the doctor has us coming in every 2 weeks for checkups. Our next appointment is tomorrow.

She is still pretty worried, but the doctors are saying that we should still be fine for a couple months if things don't change from here.

She has weekly injections that apparently help to keep the baby in longer, so we'll see if they work the way they say they should.

Though I'm a bit skeptical, because these contractions didn't start until after she had these injections. So I dunno, we may try a week without the injection to see if it makes a difference.

We'll see, and thanks for keeping in touch!

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